Wednesday 30 June 2010

Up and Away

The white streak in the sky is the trail the Space Shuttle let on one of it's recent trips to the space station.

Waikawau Sea Tunnel

This 70 metre long tunnel was made by three men and completed in 1911, it opened a beach route for stock to reach Nukuhakere Station which is north of Waikawau as there was no road to the station before the 1930's. It was built wide enough for the biggest horned cattle and high enough for the tallest horseman.


All rights reserved by LindyLouMac Photo Collection   
     News From Italy            Our Garden in June

as far as the eye can see

This was taken coming out of Sally Gap in County Wicklow, May 2010

And this.. is Sally Gap itself. Taken in June 2009.

Love 'em or loathe 'em

Youngest sons Maori inspired new tat


Tuesday 29 June 2010

Early morning light

On an early morning walk in Naseby Forest.

Oh la la la

Adonis and Aphrodite.
The sign to the right say "Ladies born infertile who wish to become pregnant, touch Adonis Apendage and have many children thereafter"

I just had to share it *giggles*

Taken in Cyprus July 2009

Poppies Pomegranets and Pluots; Northern California

The bounty is upon us.


Small Chapel in a Small Village

I fell for the beautiful roses all round the tiny doorway.

Stars fall down with the sun in Toronto

Central Reservation Statues

The above photo was taken in Bangkok, Thailand.

Buddish Temple located deep in the country in Thailand

Monday 28 June 2010


By our caravan on our bush block near Seddonville.

Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia

Yorkshire Dales

Le Cinque Terre, Italy

Via dell'Amore between Riomaggiore and Manarola, Italy.
Photo taken November, 2009.

Sunken Temple

This photograph is of a sunken temple in the Thai town of Sangklaburi. The original town was completely submerged years ago and, depending on the time of year you visit, you can see parts of the old temple emerging from the water.

Copyright 2010 Carol Burns

Chinese Temple



All rights reserved by LindyLouMac Photo Collection      

Selinda, Northern Botswana


Detail of a traditional Maori Korowai (cloak) made a friend.

Sunday 27 June 2010

Indoor Garden

Marjorie McNeely Conservatory
Como Park Zoo & Conservatory

On Danseys Pass Road

Vast area of seemingly nothingness but awesome.

Japanese Gardens

Japanese Garden at Como Park Zoo & Conservatory

Thread Exhibit

An exhibit using thread at the Science Museum of Minnesota.

Alghero, Sardegna

Photo taken November, 2009.

Northern California Wine Country... Spring

Very early spring

We had a long, wet spring this year, 2010.

Old fashioned Iris, at the Russian River Rose farm, Mother's Day, 2010.

pretty pink

Farm Life in Summer

The harbour in Cobh County Cork Ireland

Lud's Church, Staffordshire

A cool place for a hot day

Saturday 26 June 2010

The Beaches, Toronto, Canada

This humanoid shaped tree with many faces in its facade was one of my favourite sights along the boardwalk in Toronto's Beaches when I lived there.


 All rights reserved by LindyLouMac Photo Collection      
News From Italy

The last few poppies of the season on the shores of Lago di Bolsena.

Hot and Hazy

Chalk cliffs near Brighton on a hot and hazy day.

Hill Walking


This photo was taken on the seafront road in Cha-am, Thailand. You can click on it to enlarge it. All photos on this blog are clickable.