Monday 28 June 2010

Sunken Temple

This photograph is of a sunken temple in the Thai town of Sangklaburi. The original town was completely submerged years ago and, depending on the time of year you visit, you can see parts of the old temple emerging from the water.

Copyright 2010 Carol Burns


  1. This is stunning, I love the whole effect of complete mystery. What is behind it? It looks like a rock face.

  2. The picture is of the temple wall coming out of the water. The carving you can see reflected in the water is actually decoration on top of one of the temple windows :-)

    C x

  3. Great stuff. One question - do you have pics in higher resolution than this? They're screaming out to be larger!

  4. Trousers - Yes I do. I'll try editing the post and add the image in a higher resolution.

    C x

  5. Oh my.

    This is awesome.
    Well and truly awesome!

    Oh, but the poor Temple.....

  6. Stunning shot. Eerie and beautiful.

  7. Oh my Goddess! This takes my breath away. Completely.
