Friday 25 June 2010

South Baymouth, Manitoulin Island, Ontario


  1. Neat rainy day shot, Jennifer. I love how the blue barrel is so vibrant!

  2. Warm rain on a summers day, so evocative of my childhood

  3. My goodness--so many beautiful pictures. As a former remodeler, this one bothers me a little because the barrel is overflowing, which means that the water is likely work its way under the sill and rot it. Of course, I can understand how someone with a different background might only see beauty here--and the birdhouse sets that view off nicely because it's easy to imagine how cozy the birds must feel nesting so near the sound of water.

  4. *laughing* Go figure I was concerned about the overflow! But the wateringcan next to the barrel is there to save the day, I'm sure. ;-)

    I think it's the trail of the water into the barrel that caught my eye. (mostly cuz it's so familiar..LOL)

  5. The water trail and the little bird house caught my eye.
