Thursday 2 June 2011

Like a ship out of water...

Re-launching The Matthew


  1. This is The Matthew - a replica of the ship John Cabot used when he discovered Newfoundland in 1497.

    Despite her diminutive size, she crossed the Atlantic under sail in 1997, following the route of Cabot's original voyage.

    Copy/paste into your browser to learn some more about this marvellous little vessel and her crew.

    I think she's beautiful - do you agree?

  2. Boat's good, but I'd rather live in the houses behind to be able to watch the waterfront!

  3. Mandy - you wouldn't get much sleep from the power-tools, and you'd have a permanent headache from the varnish fumes... but it might be worth it?
    There are loads of places to live along the waterfront a little further away from the yard though - including some lovely penthouses with rooftop gardens and views over the SS Great Britain as well as The Matthew's usual mooring?

  4. It looks so at home, like a mother duckling among her chicks. Beautiful, and a great response to your very own Thursday assignment!

  5. ..........and I nearly posted the wooden masts among the naval boats currently moored in Portsmouth Harbour.Great boat there.

  6. Oh wow.....most excellent!

    I so love wooden ships--tallships, expecially.

    Look at the water line.
    Poor thing wants to go home. ;-)
