Thursday, 15 September 2011

Keynsham Farmers' Market



  1. First time out with a new camera - a £50 point and shoot with no manual controls... but it's fully submersible, so I will be able to continue taking outdoor pictures regardless of how foul the weather as autumn approaches.

  2. The parsley is 1. per bunch. One what?

    New camera! What fun!

  3. Your new camera sounds good, I would like one that I could take out in all weathers.

    I had to look closely at your photo as I had never seen golden beets before, had no idea what they were.

  4. I tried to see the prices but I can't do it ;)

    Enjoy of new camera.

  5. Golden beetroot never see that either - not that I'm a beetroot fan! Love markets. New camera takes a great photo.

  6. Keynsham,spelt.....
    Can't see that word without going back to listing to radio Luxumburg under the bed covers.
    Horace Batchelor has a lot to answer for!

  7. Nothing better than a farmers market. The vegetables like so fresh. Diane

  8. Kim - Prices are in pounds sterling.
    If you click through to the flickr to see full size (4000x3000) you can see:

    French beans £4.25/kilo
    Parsley £1.00/bunch
    Cabbages 80p each
    Swede £1.00/kilo
    Red or golden beetroot 88p/kilo

    The camera is a Kodak C123 - for those of you in the UK Curry's have them on the website for £55, Google found us a voucher for 10% off that.
