Sunday 1 August 2010

The Roaches


  1. Wow, what more can I say but Wow! This is truly awesome in the correct sense of the word.

  2. GaynorB Staffordshire1 August 2010 at 10:11

    I agree, it is beautiful! I think I have sat and had my photograph taken near that very rock a few years ago.
    Have you ever encountered a walabi a bit lower down in the valley near Gradbach? I have once, when I took a group of pupils to the youth hostel there.
    I am really enjoying the beautiful photographs from all over the world. Thanks to everyone for posting them and keep up the good work.

  3. Hi Gaynor, When I lived in the Roaches when I first came to this part of the world, we had two wallabies taking refuge in our garage one time. Made for an amazing site as they opened out and down the fields.

  4. You've captured this really well, and I agree that the word "awesome" does apply! x

  5. Beautiful photo, but I am intrigued, what are wallabies doing living in the UK?

  6. They escaped from a local private zoo in WWII and bred in the hills. They were last seen about 10 years ago.

  7. Impressive! The rocks and the wallabies!
