Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Aleutian Cackling Geese


  1. Amazing set of photos. What a wonderful sight it must be to see them in such great numbers. Great captures.

  2. Love the development of the number of geese., great selection.

  3. Wow. Amazing set of photos.....and what a sight to behold.

    I love it!

  4. Thank you. It was a very noisy place to make photographs. Every bird seemed to have something to say when I approached. I wanted them to fly. They had all just landed after flying all day from some place north of here. I made them all take off in waves. As they circled overhead the photos were filled side to side with ever increasing numbers of birds. I hear that these geese cannot poop while flying. If they could have, I am sure they would have shown their lack of appreciation for my being in their midst.
