Friday 30 September 2011

Giant gourds!

More garden photos on News From Italy


  1. Never seen anything like this before in my life - what do they taste like?

  2. I've seen the 'stocking trick' done on smaller fruits before, but never a gourd... they're cool. :-)

  3. Way cool!! We're going to the punkin patch this weekend (I HOPE!!) and they have the most funnest things. I'm gonna snag one of the really cool ones and see if I can get it to dry out for a birdie house!

    *laughing* I dream BIG, huh?

    Way cool. NOW I'm really, really psyched for the punkin patch!!

  4. Are they meant to be that shape????

  5. Karen@ Not edible. :) Richard@ Stocking trick, they grew like this! Gaynor@ Yes. In olden days they were used for water carriers and ladles, as when they are dry they are hollow.
