Thursday, 7 April 2011

"Get Back to the Land," Ted Russell Kamp

"Every city is Las Vegas
No matter what they say..."

"Gotta get back to the canyon,
Gotta get back to the front porch...
Gotta get back to the land..."

Title song of Ted's latest album


  1. Even though I've not heard of the artist I like the interpretation.

  2. Beautiful picture. I like the lush green in the photo.

  3. love the weaving of beautiful image
    and words....makes me breathe deep and sweet:)

  4. I haven't heard of this artist/song either but the words are so good and your photo is an excellent tie in to them.

  5. Oh gosh..I don't know which to hum now! LOL

    Wonderful!! The tune and the photo. Oh man.....soooo lush and green.....

  6. Well, it wasn't an artist I know, but it's an artist I'll now investigate... and I can certainly agree with their sentiment which is a good start. :-)
