Thursday, 10 February 2011

The Giant's Causeway

Northern Ireland


  1. We saw this on a day that was so windy we could hardly stand up! Diane

  2. You know, it looks like a bunch of buildings standing there..Beautiful..

  3. A very fantastic place with a great legend, and an appalling rope bridge not too far away!!

  4. OHmygosh Zan....... I so want to reach out and touch those. Only I'm not sure how to get to them and how I'd ever get to the ones in the middle.

    I need to find the legend that goes with this photo cuz I'm sure it's just as enthralling as the photo you shared with us.

  5. A great place to visit-love the 'microcosm' feel to this.

  6. Thanks =)
    I love this place, when I posted the picture I had a sudden urge to get in my car and drive those four hours it takes to get there!
    Mandy - I did the rope bridge thing and was absolutely terrified!! I thought I would blow off it, it was sooooo windy!
