Wednesday 21 July 2010

The flowers of the past


  1. Oh yes yes yes! :-)
    Gorgeous..... I spent a holiday in England just photographing doors. They're so lovely..... Kinda freaked people out, but it was good fun.
    This one is a keeper! :-)

  2. For me the door is as beautiful as the flowers.I also love old doors and have taken photos of lots here in Italy!

  3. oh wow, this is so lovely, so evocative! beautiful shot!

  4. I love doorways, especially old doorways - they open us up to a world beyond - and the flowers are beautiful.

  5. Oh I'm soooo glad to hear I'm not the only one who hopes she's not arrested photographing doors. LOL

  6. I love this door, there are so many beautiful doors and windows in France. I love taking photos of them. Diane

  7. Sigh. This is lovely - doors are so mysterious; one longs to know what goes on behind them!

  8. What everyone else has said!! (and isn't it nice that we can all admit in public that we like doors safe in the knowledge that no-one here is going to think it's weird :-D)

    C x
