Sunday 4 July 2010

Cornish Headland

Amazing how similar NZ and Cornwall are on the coast.


  1. This is so very beautiful, and yes, I agree the coastlines are amazingly similar. I visited Cornwall many years ago while on my OE (Overseas Experience as us Kiwis call it) and I loved it, as I did so many of the places I explored during my two years in the UK.

  2. I can just see myself standing on the edge of one of those cliffs, arms outstretched breathing in the sea air. Wonderful. Diane

  3. Lovely shot Fire Byrd, NZ is on my wishlist of places to visit, as is most of the world actually :)

  4. Beautiful! I watched a documentary on Cornwall when I was young and can't wait to visit this part of the UK.

  5. I miss being near the sea...there is something magnificent about it!

    C x

  6. close to one of my favourite places! love it - thanks x

  7. *happy sigh*
    What a lovely photo of the seaside's carving.
    Picnic on the cliff, or on the rocks would do me just fine, ty. Ohhhh..I bet the kite flying is AWESOME there!
